Owner of Goatsbridge Trout Farm fishing the best fish to supply them to As One Restaurant Dublin

Goatsbridge trout farm

Goatsbridge trout farm

Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland.

Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland.


Goatsbridge Trout Farm

Trout, Trout Roe

Trout's Story

Trout is called an oily fish due to the beneficial omega 3 fats, EPA and DHA that it contains. Precursors to these fats are found in some nuts, seeds and avocadoes, but the omega 3 fats in these foods rely on the body converting the fats to EPA and DHA. When we eat oily fish, such as trout, the fish have done the conversion for us so the beneficial oils are more readily available to the body.